Mitchell Bacon

Manager, Environmental Development, ResourceCo

Mitchell is currently the Manager of Environmental Development at ResourceCo, where he focuses on new resource recovery opportunities and environment and sustainability outcomes. He has extensive experience in environment and sustainability management, including almost a decade in heavy manufacturing industry. He has a Masters in Sustainable Development where his interests focused on sufficiency and consumption reduction, and the verification of sustainability credentials.

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John Bradbury

Principal Consultant, Encycle

John is a chemical engineer with 10 years’ experience in industry and consultancy, specialising in process improvement, the circular economy and plastics. Prior to joining Encycle as Currently a Principal Consultant at Encycle, John worked for Eunomia in the UK where he recently returned from Europe, working on a range of circular economy projects. John’s recent experience includes evaluating the scaleing of reusable packaging, developing new recyclate specifications and evaluation emerging recycling technology. 

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Jacqueline Balston

Director of Sustainability, IPWEA

Dr. Jacqueline Balston has been an applied environmental scientist for the past 25 years during which time she has researched the impacts of climate variability, climate change and environmental degradation on agriculture, natural resources, ecosystems, emergency management and the built environment across Australia.  She currently works as Director of Sustainability for IPWEA, as an advisor to the SA Coast Protection Board and as a private consultant to local, state and federal governments and other organisations nationally.

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