Melanie Uzzell

Executive Director (Interim), WRAP Asia Pacific

Following a career in strategic and economic development roles in Australian and UK government, Melanie joined WRAP UK as the Head of Government Relations, managing WRAP’s 20-year relationship with UK Government Funders (Defra, DAERA, Welsh Government, Scottish Government). After 8 years in the UK, Melanie recently returned home to Australia to lead WRAP Asia Pacific, bringing WRAP’s global expertise, networks and inward investment opportunities to the region. 

Connect with Melanie on LinkedIn.


Alison Hackett-Rogers

Manager Environmental Services, KESAB

With extensive experience in State Government including senior roles with the Department for Education, and a Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management Alison joined KESAB in 2022 as Environmental Services Manager. With a focus on project management and stakeholder relationships Alison manages the development and delivery of the broad range of environmental education projects and programs KESAB delivers to its government, community and business partners.

Connect with Alison on LinkedIn


Wendy Bevan


CEO of KESAB since 2020, Wendy leads SA’s longest running environmental NGO and not-for-profit, working with schools, community, business and local governments to deliver successful and impactful environmental and sustainability focussed education and behaviour change programs. Prior to joining KESAB, Wendy spent more than twenty years in a range of roles involving government/stakeholder relations, advocacy, media, policy research/development and program delivery, including in member-based industry organisations, SA State Government and private enterprise.

Connect with Wendy on LinkedIn.


Shani Wood

Lead Educator, Green Industries SA

Shani is the Lead Educator at Green Industries SA where she is responsible for the development of circular economy themed community initiatives, including the recent Give a Sheet Adelaide wide linen drive. Shani has 12 years’ experience working in Local Government with the City of Holdfast Bay where she has developed and implemented a number of successful innovative waste projects including trialling compostable bags in local supermarkets and the council wide roll out of weekly FOGO and fortnightly waste bin collections.

Connect with Shani on LinkedIn.


Caitlin Smith

Projects Officer - Policy, Green Industries SA

Caitlin has been with Green Industries SA for two years, having previously held roles in other State Government agencies and the not-for-profit sector. She developed GISA’s Circular Procurement Knowledge Hub, and is involved in a range of collaborative textile recycling and circular and sustainable procurement projects across the South Australian Government.

Connect with Caitlin on  LinkedIn.


Steven Sergi

Acting Director Science & Systems, SA EPA

Steven is currently the Acting Director Science & Systems within the South Australian Environment Protection Authority. He has extensive experience in seeking behaviour change through early and meaningful engagement and regulation.  His current role is to oversee the Water, Air, Noise and Radiation Science functions within the EPA and has previously lead the implementation of the strategic circular economy and waste objectives of the EPA including supporting the EPA review of the Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010 and supporting the review of the Container Deposit Scheme on behalf of the SA Government. Steven also provides a high-level expertise in the area of environmental regulation, product stewardship and the development and implementation of environmental and regulatory strategies, programs and policies.

Connect with Steven on  LinkedIn.