Andrew Quinn

Technical Director - Sustainable Waste Management, SLR Consulting

Andrew is an environmental consultant with more than 30 years’ experience in waste management. He has worked for the NSW EPA, waste management contractors and consultants. His experience includes resource recovery facility concept design and master planning, operational systems assessments, expert witness and due diligence for waste projects, waste chapters for EISs, contract and tender preparation, tender assessment and evaluation, resource recovery technology research, resource recovery management strategy and policy development. Andrew has lectured in waste management at the University of NSW.

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Kylie Roberts-Frost

CEO, Australian Bedding Stewardship Council (ABSC)

Kylie is a dynamic leader with extensive experience in recycling, logistics, and product stewardship. Her career spans global shipping giants and local recycling initiatives, including impactful work with prison programs in the ACT. Kylie spearheads projects that bridge environmental sustainability and community impact, focusing on innovative solutions for regional and remote areas. Committed to driving industry-wide change, she excels in fostering strategic partnerships and, always eager to collaborate with other industry partners and experts to drive success.

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Alex Keyte Beattie

Senior Environmental Consultant, Tonkin + Taylor
Young Professionals (YP) Scholarship winner

Alex has over 9 year's experience working for Tonkin + Taylor as an Environmental Consultant in Australia and New Zealand. During this time she has worked across various subject areas within the environmental discipline, before finding her niche in the Waste, Resource Recovery and Circular Economy team. Alex enjoys applying the analytical, conceptual and risk assessment skills she developed earlier in her career to projects in the waste and resource recovery sector. She hopes that her ongoing work in waste strategy and resource recovery will contribute to the development of sustainable WARR solutions and the transition to circular economy principles throughout Australia.

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Kelly Howlett

Chairperson, Care for Hedland Environmental Association

Kelly is an active and passionate environmental scientist. Kelly founded and was the Chairperson for 20 years, of the local Care For Hedland Environmental Association. Kelly has advocated for the environment in policy development, town planning and coastal planning processes. Kelly champions Port and South Hedland’s Tidy Town efforts and participates in roadside litter clean ups and education and awareness raising about the impact of litter. Kelly instigated a pilot CDS scheme and Kelly lead Care For Hedland efforts as WARRRL’s Refund Point Operations in Port Hedland. To date over 33 million eligible containers have been diverted from landfill and returned as a part of the Containers For Change Program. Kelly was inducted into the WA Women’s Hall of Fame in March 2018 and recently appointed a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia (General Division) as part of the June 2023 Kings Birthday Honours in recognition of her lengthy contribution to the local Hedland environment and community..

Connect with Kelly on LinkedIn.