Registration opens 2:30pm
Tea, coffee and afternoon tea available on arrival




Welcome and housekeeping
Tiana Nairn - WMRR South Australia Branch President                   


GISA Update
Nikki Govan - Chair, Board of Green Industries SA


Presentation | CERR Report
John Vanzo - Principal Adviser Evaluation, Green Industries SA +
Joe Pickin - Director, Blue Environment

Recycling in South Australia: Who, what, where and how. Measured, mapped and tracked. 


Presentation | Kerbside Data
Han Tran – Project Officer Evaluation, Green Industries SA


Presentation | Litter Report
John Vanzo – Principal Advisor Evaluation, Green Industries SA


Presentation | Waste to Resources Policy Review
Michelle Jones - Principal Adviser, Regulatory Strategy & Intelligence, SA EPA

Beyond Recycling: Moving SA towards a circular economy 


Q&A Panel

Facilitated by WMRR CEO, Gayle Sloan


Wrap up and close
Gayle Sloan - CEO, WMRR

5:15 - 6:30 PM


Program correct as at 2 September 2024, and is subject to change.  Please check back for updates.