Georgie Costin

Senior Environmental Engineer, GHD
YP Scholarship Winner

An experienced waste and resource recovery consultant with a focus on sustainable energy and innovation, Georgie is often balancing the interplay of these sectors in the transition to a more circular economy.  With degrees in chemical and environmental engineering and postgraduate qualifications in sustainable energy and sustainability, Georgie supports a range of clients in developing and implementing leading edge solutions.

Connect with Georgie on LinkedIn.


Joel Harris

Principal, Ethos Resources

Joel is the Principal of Ethos Resources, a boutique consulting focused on a resource recovery future in QLD. Joel bridges the government and private sectors as a partner in developing resource recovery infrastructure. He is curious about how we change our decision making lens to deliver real outcomes in the circular economy and the challenge in shifting mindsets.

Connect with Joel on LinkedIn.


Hayley Rofe

Technical Director - Circular Economy, GHD

John is a Fellow of Engineers Australia and the Institute of Public Works Engineering, Australia and  a founding Director of Talis Consultants.  He was instrumental in establishing the local government Waste Supply Agreements for the two EfW projects in Western Australia.  John has also provided EfW consulting services to the New South Wales and Victorian governments.

Connect with Hayley on LinkedIn.


Matthew Acton

Technical Director - Waste Management, GHD

Over 24 years’ experience delivering waste sector infrastructure with over 30 turnkey facilities commissioned globally has provided Matthew with valuable insights into the challenges of establishing new recycling infrastructure and businesses. From design and fabrication to commissioning and operation, Matthew’s real world delivery experience has contributed to more than 5,000 tonnes of valuable materials being diverted from landfill every day.

Connect with Matthew on LinkedIn.


Andy Hill

Founder, Planet Price

Andy is a technology entrepreneur and the Founder of Planet Price a “for influence” startup with a mission to help large organisations reduce the impact of their supply chains by “quantifying the real cost of everything”. Before launching Planet Price, Andy was CEO and Co-founder of Oniqua, a global supply chain analytics business working with the world’s largest mining, utilities and energy companies. Following the acquisition of Onqiua by IBM in 2018, Andy completed a Masters in Sustainability Leadership at Cambridge University where he carried out the research for the Planet Price algorithm.

Connect with Andy on LinkedIn.