The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR) is the only national peak body for the $15bn waste and resource recovery industry.  Our membership covers the entire spectrum of the industry including landfill, recycling and resource recovery, energy from waste, e-waste, organics, construction and demolition, commercial and industrial, hazardous and biohazardous waste sectors.

Our members range from large multinational corporations, SMEs, local and state governments, equipment and service providers, and individuals.

We provide a range of services to support our members, including advocacy, conferences and networking events, high value information, learning and training.


WMRR’s Priority Advocacy Areas are:

  • The national policy framework places a positive obligation across the entire supply chain to create a circular economy in Australia by 2030, reinforcing a systems-based approach to managing materials across the entire waste management hierarchy, resource efficiency and carbon mitigation.
  • A nationally consistent and certain regulatory and planning framework ensures a level playing field for high quality professional waste and resource recovery (WARR) facilities across the entire hierarchy.
  • The correct mix of regulatory and market based economic levers are utilised nationally to ensure that public and private investment occurs to maximise material value and mitigate carbon. This requires strong and certain levy settings, with at least 50% of levy collected reinvested in the WARR industry by government, producer responsibility for safe products and materials, as well as incentives to reduce reliance on virgin materials. 
  • Sustainable procurement is adopted across the entire economy to ensure markets for the increased replacement of virgin products and materials by Australian resource recovered materials produced by the lawful Australian WARR industry participants.
  • The quality and collection of WARR data is improved nationally to enhance and support consistent and transparent classification and management of materials, as well as build knowledge, and enable the development of informed, high-quality evidence-led policy responses for industry.
  • Champion knowledge, standards development, and professionalism within the WARR industry. Foster consistent high-quality knowledge of the industry, for the community, government and business about the waste management hierarchy, circular economy, and carbon impacts.

WMRR Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026


WMRR Constitution

WMRR’s mission is to provide a peak national forum to foster the necessary structural and cultural changes within our membership to enable the waste management industry to respond to the demands for integrated resource management services. The WMRR Constitution is what governs our strategy and operations.

At the end of 2018,WMRR reviewed its current Constitution and sought feedback on the revised Draft 2019 WMRR Constitution in early 2019.

The 2019 WMRR Constitution was adopted at the 2019 AGM on Wednesday, 8 May 2019.

WMRR Constitution


Vision and Guiding Principles



The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR) is the peak body that leads the success of the waste management and resource recovery sector.


  1. Circular economy principles and the waste management hierarchy are consistently adopted and pursued nationally across the supply chain to ensure nationally consistent strong policy settings, and well designed, safe, and appropriate use of materials, including managing carbon impacts. 
  2. Waste and resource recovery (WARR) infrastructure is professionally managed and strategically planned, supported, and protected to reflect its role as both an essential community service and an economically viable producer of high value secondary raw materials for use across the productive Australian economy. 
  3. The WARR industry's engagement with the entire supply chain, the community and government are always evidence-led, informed, professional and responsible. 

Annual Reports

The annual report is prepared after the end of the calendar year. It is presented to members at the following Annual General Meeting.

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