Founder Circular Economy Advisory
Member of the Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group (CEMAG)

Vaughan is an ecologist. During 10 years at the South Australia EPA, he developed policy and regulated waste and recycling industries. He founded Zero Waste SA in 2003, and Green Industries SA. As Chief Executive he oversaw Australia’s first plastic bag ban in 2009, first Circular Economy strategy in 2017, and first single use plastics ban in 2022. He has provided advice to the UN and developed guidelines for disaster waste management for South Australia and oversaw the cleanup post bushfires in 2020.

Vaughan has participated in many national and international fora and directed substantial government investment to key circular economy initiatives. He is a member of Australia’s Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group, and is a director of product stewardship organisations.

He wrote the recent SA state of the environment report chapter on plastics.

In 2015 Vaughan received the Public Service Medal (PSM) for outstanding public service in waste management reform.