Executive Director, Emerging Industries
Department of State Development, infrastructure, Local Government and Planning

Mark leads the department’s efforts to accelerate the development of the emerging Hydrogen, Biofutures and Resource Recovery industries; and also leads the flagship Industry Partnership Program. 

Mark has more than 20 years of experience in senior leadership roles in the Queensland public service.  During his career he has been instrumental in leading and developing state-wide infrastructure strategies and delivery of industry development roadmaps for new and emerging industries.  

Mark and his teams aim to make a positive difference for Queensland’s economy and communities through industry development – they have attracted Fortescue Energy’s first hydrogen project to Gladstone; secured the Sanofi Translational Science Hub in South East Queensland; supported Vecco’s battery manufacturing facility in Townsville; facilitated more than 40 recycling projects across the state; and are working to establish the Sustainable Aviation Fuel sector.