General Manager & Director, Garage Sale Trail

Barbara is the General Manager & Director of Garage Sale Trail Foundation, a not for profit social enterprise on a mission to get Australians avoiding waste and embracing the circular economy, all through the humble act of a garage sale. 
Barbara leads the team delivering one of Australia's leading waste education and behaviour change programs that every year reaches a cumulative audience of over 21 million Australians, diverts over 3 million kilograms from landfill and provides a $4 million boost to local economies.

Over her sixteen year career, Barbara has worked in the public, private and charitable sector in both Australia and in the UK, including a stint establishing one of the London 2012 Olympic Games legacy programs which is now credited with generating over £11 billion in trade and investment.

Barbara has a Masters degree in Social Anthropology and cut her pre-loved teeth at the age of 10 on the floor of a UK op shop, thanks to her charity shop manager mum Janet.